The Iran-Saudi Arabia Truce – A Guide For The Future Pakistani-Afghan Relationship
The power dynamics in the Middle East are evolving and a Saudi Arabia-Iran truce gives a glimpse of the bolstering ties between the Gulf states and China. The Saudi Arabia-Iran deal brokered by China is a success for China, Iran, and Saudi Arabia and a win for the region as a whole. Could it work as a blueprint for Pakistan and Afghanistan?
The Spreading Tentacles of Chinese Economic Diplomacy: Ethnic Conflict in Indonesia and Pakistan
In 2014, China’s GDP based on purchasing power parity has overtaken that of the United States. Though the US is still regarded as the world’s major economy, trends are shifting away from the narrative of a post-Cold War hegemony of liberal democracies. In light of such circumstances, this analysis assesses how Chinese development finance and investment in the Global South is shaping both, current geopolitics and the internal structure of Pakistan and Indonesia.
The Strategic Importance of Gwadar
Rhetorical attacks between China and the United States have arrived at an all-time high after the Eastern Giant has sparked world-wide antagonism with its crusade against human rights and its aggressive foreign policy. A confrontation between the two superpowers could bring disastrous consequences for both, but one of the most striking might be the ultimate vanishing of the Chinese Communist Party. If the party is to maintain its grip on China, it has to play its cards well, and a foreign port in Pakistan could play a major role in it.