The Return of Fracking – A Possible Solution to the European Energy Crisis?
With the continuation of Russian aggression in Ukraine and the decrease of temporary foreign energy supplies, the end of the European energy crisis does not seem to be in sight even as we enter 2023. While the question of European energy independence remains unanswered, an old but successful technology used abroad lurks in the background as a possible solution. Considering the current geopolitical situation, local energy resources have never been more vital to European national security than they are now, which is why hydraulic fracturing technology needs to be put on the table if we wish to end the year-long energy crisis.
Does science need philosophy?
Scientific truth is not perfect, not permanent, not immediate, and not necessarily the ultimate truth. Science does not deliver the ‘meaning of life’ truth – but science is always getting closer to the truth. While science is humanity’s transcending achievement, science as a way of thinking is an evolving enterprise. What makes science work? What constitutes good science? What are the boundaries of science? How deep can science dig into the foundations of the world? These are the kinds of questions that “philosophy of science” asks. However, some scientists dismiss philosophy as archaic, a hindrance to science, a nuisance to its progress.
Damage Control: What Ms. Marvel Tells Us About the State of Homeland Security in the United States
Marvel Studios’ latest addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is Ms. Marvel, the TV series which showcases Kamala Khan, a Pakistani-American high school student who gains cosmic energy powers from a family heirloom, fights crime and becomes a superhero in her native home of Jersey City, NJ. One area that has been often overlooked in the discourse surrounding this series has been the behavior of the U.S. Department of Damage Control (DODC), a rather lesser agency than S.H.I.E.L.D or S.W.O.R.D, yet one that has been around for many years within the background of the MCU. With Ms. Marvel, however, we get a rather different view of the agency, one that has been hinted at before but never fully seen.