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Stepanakert City in the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan

Environmental Terrorism, Eco-Terrorism, and Water Management: The Case of Nagorno-Karabakh

The world is experiencing an increase in terrorist attacks, including environmental terrorism. The presence of natural resources and infrastructures, especially water-related ones, in contested areas subjected to traditional forms of terrorism, requires further attention within terrorism-related research. The case of the Nagorno-Karabakh war is an interesting case with regard to the concept of environmental and eco-terrorism. In this respect, the implications of water issues after the 2020 war and the dangers involved for the future of the region are of particular interest.

2022 Pakistan Floods

Climate Change Justice: The Case of Pakistan Post-2022 Floods

Pakistan was hit by devastating floods in 2022 inflicting massive losses and damages. This sparked a pressing demand for climate change justice as the country sought fair treatment in addressing the impact of climate change on its people and land emphasizing the historical responsibility of the Global North and the fair distribution of environmental challenges. Pakistan, contributing less than 1% to global emissions, becomes a tragic example of vulnerability, burdened by the consequences of emissions, not of its making.

Demonstrator holding a sign at a climate protest

The Cost of Fast Fashion

Fast fashion has become a bane to the fashion industry, society, and the environment. While fast fashion opens doors for ordinary individuals to partake in and enjoy fashion, it comes at the expense of exploited garment workers, the plagiarism of artistic work of fashion designers, and most inimically, inhibits any climate protection activism and progress.