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Annual Letter 2020 – We say thank you!

Dear Writers, Readers, Supporters,

A very challenging year slowly comes to an end, and we wanted to take the opportunity to reflect a bit on this past year.

2020 has for sure had its ups and downs – but there is always a silver lining, even in the most challenging moments.

For us at Quo Vademus, being able to go live with our website has been this silver lining. This got us one step closer to making our dream come true of founding our own think tank and creating a platform for the youth to give them back their voice.

We say thank you!

Overall, we can say that we were overwhelmed by the positive feedback and the support we received. Quo Vademus started as an idea of two young people who wanted to make a difference in this world. Never would we have dreamed of actually getting so much support on this journey and finding so many young, motivated and talented young writers.

Let’s talk numbers!

Since the official launch of the website in October 2020, we received more than 150 contribution requests, published more than 35 articles from 15 different authors (more are still under review) and developed a constant, albeit small, online readership. Our articles have been reaching about 20.000 people around the world.

The topics of our published articles range, amongst others, from human rights, international security, political theory, to the implications of Covid-19 and cover the Middle East, the EU and the European Neighbourhood, the Americas as well as Central Asia.

Stay tuned for more!

We are more than grateful for the support we received from our writers, readers and contributors. Quo Vademus would be nothing without you.

In the upcoming year, we are looking forward to starting new exciting projects – stay tuned and get ready to be involved!

As for now, we at Quo Vademus want to wish you a great start into the new year 2021, and we are looking forward to sharing more interesting articles, analyses and opinions as well as new projects with you in the next year.

Take care and stay healthy and safe,

Gabriela and Lion

The Founders

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Politics of Confusion – The sixth fragment: Apathy

On November 23, 2021, the European Parliament denied Mateusz Morawiecki the opportunity to speak during a debate regarding the current situation on the Belarusian border. Even though for an average polish citizen it is disheartening to see that Poland is no longer considered a reliable and significant debating partner, it is an understandable decision, which can be justified by tracing the chronology of events from this year that have contributed to the deteriorating relations with Belarus and the EU and which Poland could have, on multiple occasions, taken control of.

The EU-Turkey Statement: Background, recent developments and its impact on EU-Turkey relations

In 2015, the EU negotiated a controversial deal with one of its neighbours and "partner", Turkey, to curb migration from the Middle East to Europe. Regrettably, the deal has ever since caused more concerns than relief due to the unreliable nature of the EU's partner country. As a result, it remains questionable whether the deal will hold at all and what the repercussion on the EU's reputation as a global actor will be in the long term.

How Eurasianism is Manipulated to Justify the War in Ukraine

The conflict in Ukraine has sparked many debates on several issues, from military and political to ideological ones. There are numerous narratives and theories linked to Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine, this fiercely contested portion of Russia’s near abroad. Among these, there are the discourses centered on Eurasianism, which provide the Russian elites with strong arguments for the invasion, at least on an ideological level.

Has there been a diminishing of the doctrine of Roe v Wade in US law?

Roe v Wade declared state interference with a woman’s right to abortion to be unconstitutional by virtue of the 14th Amendment, seemingly establishing an unfettered right to abortion in the USA. However, while liberals welcomed the change, conservative action was and continues to be sought to reverse the Supreme Court’s judgment. Since the decision, abortion rights have been narrowed by way of case law and law reform. But, to what extent has there been a diminishing of Roe’s doctrine?

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