Green MEPs protesting against fracking

The Return of Fracking – A Possible Solution to the European Energy Crisis?

With the continuation of Russian aggression in Ukraine and the decrease of temporary foreign energy supplies, the end of the European energy crisis does not seem to be in sight even as we enter 2023. While the question of European energy independence remains unanswered, an old but successful technology used abroad lurks in the background as a possible solution. Considering the current geopolitical situation, local energy resources have never been more vital to European national security than they are now, which is why hydraulic fracturing technology needs to be put on the table if we wish to end the year-long energy crisis.

China State Visit, 2 Dec 2015

Chinese Technology – A Political Tool of the Chinese Communist Party?

Investments in research and development are key factors for the competitiveness of one’s economy, and according to research, the correlation between a country’s technological innovation and its economic power is indeed positive. As Xi Jinping has done everything in his power to utilise Chinese technological supremacy in international politics, it is vital to examine the relationship between technological development and political power to explain how it has come to the point of China soon overtaking the US as the most powerful country in the world.

Orbán and Janša at EPP Summit

Slovenia for Sale – How Hungarian Capital is Endangering the Sovereignty of a Country

Orbán’s capital is flowing into Slovenia and increases his power by influencing domestic politicians. With critical sectors at stake, including banking, media and infrastructure, the question arises whether a country can even be called sovereign with its biggest companies in the hands of foreign businessmen with ties to right-wing individuals.