Is democracy failing us?
In recent years, especially after Covid-19, Europe has seen a rise in far-right attitudes and change in the internal political systems of single states. Some far-right parties have encountered more support from the citizens, some governments changed directions altogether. Can this phenomenon be considered a consequence of the health crisis and to what extent was this development already apparent before the pandemic?

CJEU paves the way for application of the Rule of Law Conditionality Mechanism
On Wednesday, February 16, 2022, the ECJ finally rejected Hungary’s and Poland’s legal challenge, thereby paving the way for the European Commission to withhold EU funds on the grounds of erosion of the rule of law in member states. The Court’s decision allows the EU to take action against member states violating the rule of law, one of the bloc’s core principles.

Politics of Confusion – The sixth fragment: Apathy
On November 23, 2021, the European Parliament denied Mateusz Morawiecki the opportunity to speak during a debate regarding the current situation on the Belarusian border. Even though for an average polish citizen it is disheartening to see that Poland is no longer considered a reliable and significant debating partner, it is an understandable decision, which can be justified by tracing the chronology of events from this year that have contributed to the deteriorating relations with Belarus and the EU and which Poland could have, on multiple occasions, taken control of.