Women in Power: Peggy Carter, the World of Intelligence, and a Powerful Role Model for Women
Representation in media (comics, films, television series, and video games) has become a hot button issue over the past decade. In March of 2022, the Center for the Study of Women in Television and Film of San Diego State University found “that men outnumbered women onscreen by a factor of 2 to 1 in 2021”. The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is no exception and has had its share of sexist, derogatory, and stereotypical depictions of women. However, in at least one, rather niche area, the MCU does excel in their representation of women: particularly in their representation of women within Intelligence Communities (IC) around the globe via the character of Peggy Carter.

Government’s Invincible Weapon: Misogyny
Globally, governments are weaponizing the restricting of women’s rights in order to hide their serious political incompetence. Three modern-day examples of the suppression of women’s liberation discussed in the article demonstrate this phenomenon.

Debunking myths: Does the contemporary focus on improving women’s position in economic production deliver ‘empowerment’?
Growing concern about the correlation between women and poverty in developing countries has expanded in the last decades within the field of international development. Studies to investigate the effectiveness of the ‘investing in girls and women’ narrative have shown that economic empowerment is not enough to confer women and girls a just and equitable position in society – quite the contrary. This analysis explores why economically investing in women and girls in developing countries is not an effective strategy to eradicate gender inequalities.